Refunds and Account Adjustments

Registration changes, performed within the time period that online registration is open, may be done through Banner.

如果您决定在正常注册截止日期之外添加或放弃课程, 您必须通过填写注册申请以书面形式通知注册主任办公室, found on the Office of the Registrar website. To reference a current listing of registration deadlines, see the Academic Calendar. 注册申请需要附有学生声明和你所在部门或教员的支持/许可. 

If you plan to withdraw from University housing (i.e.(如取消住宿和膳食计划合同),你必须适当通知 University Services. If you completely withdraw from the University, you must inform Safety and Security to be eligible for a refund of your parking fees.

If you do not provide proper notification to the University, financial obligations will remain binding, 不管是否上课或者是否使用任何合同服务.

当收到并处理正式注册申请或使用Banner完成交易时,课程的退款或额外费用将被发布到您的学生帐户中. Charges for added courses are made at the full quarter’s rate, regardless of when the course is added.

If a student has a credit balance on their account (for example, due to an over payment), 然后,学生或学生授权的家长或法定代表人可以要求退款. In most cases, all eligible refunds will be remitted to the student.

如果账户上有欠款余额或校园贷款项目的逾期余额, including the SPU Institutional, Federal Perkins, and/or Federal Nursing Student Loan programs, in most cases, the refund will first be applied against the owing balance.

In the event that enrollment changes result in a refund, tuition will be refunded according to the schedule that follows. 

Any questions regarding tuition refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services.

Schedule of tuition refunds for classes


  • First week of the quarter: 100%
  • Second week of the quarter: 75%
  • Third week of the quarter: 50%
  • Fourth and fifth weeks of the quarter: 25%
  • Sixth and following weeks of the quarter: 0%

Note: 一周的定义为从每个季度的第一天开始的五个工作日. Specific dates for refunds are available on the Academic Calendar.

Example One  

一名最初注册15学分的学生在上课的第三周放弃了一门3学分的课程. 学费没有调整,因为12学分和15学分的学费是一样的.
Example Two
  一名最初注册13学分的学生在课程的第二周放弃了一门3学分的课程. The refund is as follows:
  Full tuition (13 credits) $12,168
  Tuition for 10 credits ($1,014 x 10) $10,140
  Difference $2,028
  75 percent refund $1,521
  Tuition due on dropped course $507
Example Three  
  Assume the above student drops a 5-credit course the second week of class. The refund is as follows:
  Full tuition (13 credits) $12,168
  Tuition for 8 credits ($975 x 8) $8,112
  Difference $4,056
  75 percent refund $3,042
  Tuition due on dropped course $1,014
Example Four  
  一个学生原本是11个学分的,在第二周的课程中,他减少了2个学分,同时增加了3个学分. The result is as follows:
  Old level: 11 credits ($1,014 x 11) $11,154
  New level:12 credits $12,168
  Additional due $1,014
Example Five
  A student completely withdraws from all courses in the second week:
  (Full tuition 13 credits) $12,168
  75 percent refund $9,126
  Student owes $3,042

Summer and September Session refund schedules

如果你想退出一个或多个夏季或九月的课程, you must officially withdraw from the course(s) in Self-Service Banner. 放弃暑期课程的截止日期列在暑期课程网站的重要日期部分. 九月会议课程的截止日期在九月会议网站上列出.

  • Go to Banner > Student Menu > Registration and Class Schedules Menu > Class Registration and Planning > Register for Classes > 选择相应课程的“退出”或“退出”选项,然后点击提交.

Please see the Summer and September Session Refund Schedules below. 在自助服务横幅中提交退票日期决定退款金额. 如果你不上网,你的财务义务将继续生效.


Seven- or eight-week sessions

  • Week 1: 100%
  • Week 2: 50 %

Three- or four-week sessions

  • Week 1: 100%
  • After Week 1: 0%

Short sessions

  • By second class: 100%
  • After second class: 0%

Effect on financial aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress

退学可能会影响你现在和将来获得经济援助的资格. Please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress section under Financial Aid. 建议您与您的学生讨论降至12学分以下的影响 Student Financial Services counselor prior to completing the drop or withdrawal process.

Complete withdrawal

If, during a quarter, a student who receives financial aid completely withdraws from the University, the tuition refund is calculated as described above. However, if the student received, or was entitled to receive, any federal (Title IV) funds, 第四章资金的返还将通过确定获得的百分比来计算,并将该百分比应用于从学生退出之日起注册期间支付给学生的第四章援助总额(以及可能已经支付的金额). 如果在学生完成60%的注册期之前或在此之前完成,则获得的第四章资金的百分比等于学生在提取日期完成的注册期的百分比. 学生尚未获得的第四章基金的百分比由获得的第四章基金的百分比补足确定.


  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan
  • Federal Direct Subsidized loan
  • Federal Direct PLUS loan
  • Federal Pell grants
  • Federal SEOG
  • Other Title IV Aid programs, such as the TEACH Grant

Other state, private, 或机构援助将根据国家计算和/或学生收到的退款金额进行评估. 

Title IV Refund Policy

Tuition Refund Policy

Drop in credits

如果你获得了经济资助,并且在一个季度内将课程降至12学分以下, a reassessment of your financial aid award may be made for that quarter. This may affect the amount actually credited to your account. Contact a Student Financial Services counselor for further information.

Room and meal plan refunds

Room-deposit refunds
New students
Autumn Quarter By June 1, 2022
Winter Quarter By November 30, 2022
Spring Quarter By March 18, 2023
Continuing students
在春季注册过程中签订秋季学期住房合同的继续学生,如果在预订住房后的任何时间取消,将丧失押金. For Winter and Spring quarters, 继续学习的学生必须在以下日期之前取消合同,以获得住房押金的退款:
Winter Quarter By November 8, 2022
Spring Quarter By March 7, 2023
Room and meal plan refund schedule
在合同开始后退出大学住房的学生将没收他们的房间押金,并将根据他们签署退房表的日期收到房费和餐费的退款, according to the following schedule:
First week of the quarter* 90%
Second week of the quarter 75%
Third week of the quarter 50%
Fourth and fifth weeks of the quarter 25%
Sixth week of the quarter and following 0%

*本学期的第一周从宿舍正式开放那天开始,到第一天上课后的周一结束. Each successive week runs Tuesday through Monday.


SPU may determine, in its discretion, that due to government guidance or health and safety considerations, 提供课程内容或相关学术服务的方法应有所改变, or to the scheduling of extracurricular activities. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, a full or partial campus closure, transitioning in-person courses to remote learning, reducing the number of class sessions, or deferring or canceling extracurricular events and activities. 参加SPU课程的学生无权因课程内容或学术服务的交付方式发生任何变化而获得任何学费或杂费退款, or cancellation of classes or activities, so long as SPU still offers academic credit for courses. Moreover, SPU在某一特定情况下提供退款的任何酌情决定,不构成在任何其他情况下获得退款的权利.